Position title
Army Military Government Officer - Reserve

The United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) is seeking qualified professionals and current service members to apply for a direct appointment or branch transfer as a commissioned Military Government Officer (38G) in the United States Army Reserve (USAR). Currently, the program is structured with multiple Skill Identifiers (SI’s) that target specific skill sets nested within various government function specialty areas.

Military Government Officers are subject matter experts, technically qualified and experienced individuals, who advise, enable, and assist commanders and their direct civilian counterparts with stabilizing and providing governance expertise until appropriate civilian control is possible. Military Government Officers serve in Civil Affairs (CA) units and fill positions based on their area of expertise enabling the force to assess, monitor, protect, reinforce, establish, and transition political, economic, social, and cultural institutions and capabilities to achieve U.S national goals and objectives.


If selected, your commission can be in the rank of Captain – Colonel based on education, civilian experience, military experience (if applicable) and other certifications (per Army Directive 2019-27 and DoD Instruction 1312.03). Most candidates are commissioned in the ranks of Captain or Major.

Your service obligation after commissioning will be 8 years. The first 6 years of service will be in an active drilling status, where you must attend Battle Assembly each month and an Annual Training each year. Your final 2 years will be in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) where it is possible that you could be called up for service, but you will not need to attend trainings. After this initial commitment, you can decide whether to discontinue service or you can serve up until your Mandatory Retirement Date (age 60).

Minimum Qualifications
  • Be a United States citizen; applicants with dual citizenship status are ineligible.

  • Must possess a master’s degree or higher (i.e., Juris Doctor or Doctorate) from an accredited university associated with the requested SI. A graduate certificate does not meet the criteria to satisfy this requirement.

  • Must possess a minimum of 4-years of relevant work experience associated with the requested SI following the completion of a master’s degree or higher (i.e., Juris Doctor or Doctorate).

  • Must be able to complete an 8-year service obligation in accordance with Army Regulation 135-175.

  • Must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance.

  • Must be able to serve as a Troop Program Unit (TPU) officer in the USAR.

  • Prior Service candidates must have an honorable discharge to apply.

  • Must be able to complete an Army commissioning physical, meeting basic fitness standards, and height and weight standards for service as an Army officer. For more information regarding the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) please visit https://www.goarmy.com/how-to-join/requirements/fitness.

  • Officers currently controlled by the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, Chaplain Corps, AMEDD, Medical Service Corps, or other specialty branches must be able to provide an approved conditional release memorandum from their chain of command.

  • Currently serving members of a uniformed service (other than the USAR/ARNG) and prior-service commissioned officers are ineligible to apply for this program.

Application Requirements
  • Cover Sheet
  • Narrative essay (min. 750 words)
  • Direct Appointment Application
  • Professional Resume
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • College Transcripts and Diplomas (foreign credentials must be evaluated and accredited)
  • DD214 (if applicable)
  • Memorandum of Release (if applicable)
  • Prescreening Questionnaire
  • Service Availability Statement of Understanding (if applicable)
Application Process

After preparing your packet, you will submit it for consideration by a panel of highly qualified Army Officers who will determine if you are among the most fully and best-qualified applicants for acceptance into the 38G AOC to meet the needs of the Army.

Once the panel results have been validated by Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) Directorate of Military Personnel Management (DMPM), applicants will be notified of the status of their packet by the Civil Affairs Proponent.

In the interim, you will be contacted by a recruiter who will help you with your personnel requirements (i.e. commissioning physical, security clearance, Oath of Office, etc.). These personnel requirements can take up to a year to complete and failure to complete these personnel requirements within this timeframe may result in your disqualification for commission.

Upon completion of these requirements, you will receive a Direct Appointment memorandum for record and Oath of Office (DA 71).


Submission Process

There are currently three options for becoming a Military Government Officer (38G) in the USAR.

1. Direct Commissioning Program (DCP): Civilians, warrant officers (USAR/ARNG), and enlisted Soldiers (USAR/ARNG) will follow the 38G packet submission instructions annotated in the 38G MILPER published by U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC). DCP packets will only be accepted during the application submission window dates listed in the MILPER message for upcoming 38G selection panels.

2. Branch Transfer: Actively-serving Commissioned Officers (USAR/ARNG) will submit their 38G AOC packets through IPPS-A by submitting a PAR (UDL: 000000000052362) with all supporting documentation at any time during the fiscal year (FY). Branch Transfer panels will be held quarterly during the months of October, January, April, and July.

3. Reappointment Selection Panel: Prior-service Commissioned Officers, discharged from any military service, can apply for the USAR Reappointment (REAP) selection panel through the U.S. Army Reserve Careers Group (USARCG). Applicants will follow the same steps listed above for “Branch Transfers”, while also submitting a separate REAP packet for the USAR REAP selection panel. Applicants must email the USARCG Officer Accessions Career Counselor at usarmy.usarc.arcg.mbx.hq-ops-spcmsn-organizational-mailbox@army.mil for additional information regarding the packet requirements and panel dates for the USAR REAP.

Required Training after Commissioning

Upon selection and appointment, you will attend several military training courses to prepare you to serve as a USAR Commissioned Officer:

1. Direct Commissioning Course (DCC)
a. Class Type: Resident
b. Course Length: 6 weeks
c. Location: Fort Benning, GA

2. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)
a. Class Type: Resident
b. Course Length: 9 weeks
c. Location: Joint Base San Antonio, TX

3. Civil Affairs Captain Career Course (CA-CCC)
a. Class Type: Resident
b. Course Length: 4 weeks
c. Location: Fort Bragg, NC

4. Command and General Staff Officer School (CGSOC)
a. For additional information regarding CGSOC, please review the ILE Enrollment Guide found at https://www.usar.army.mil/ARCG/ARCG-CMO/.

Newly commissioned Officers will be scheduled to attend DCC and AMEDD BOLC by U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC) G1 within 24 months of entering the USAR in accordance with U.S. Code Title 10 section 10105. CA-CCC and CGSOC (if applicable) will be scheduled by USACAPOC(A) once DCC and BOLC are completed. For more information regarding USAR Officer Career Management, please visit the ARCG webpage at https://www.usar.army.mil/ARCG/ARCG-CMO/.

Constructive credit for DCC and BOLC may be granted for Officers based on previous leadership experience, civilian experience, and/or past academic/training experiences per Army Directive 2019-27. After commissioning, a constructive credit packet must be initiated by the officer within 60 days of their appointment date and submitted through USACAPOC(A), the U.S. Army Infantry School, to HQDA G-3/7 Training Directorate (TR) for consideration. HQDA G-3/7 retains approval authority for all equivalent and constructive credit requests.

Civil Affairs Skill Identifiers (SIs)

Employment Type
Part Time - Reserve
Job Location
United States*
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