Opt in to Promotion
Majors in the Information Dominance Competitive Category with a date of rank from 1 Apr 16 thru 11 Feb 17 participated in a pilot for opting in for promotion consideration in the FY20 Lieutenant Colonel Active Competitive Category Promotion Selection Board.
The Army is scaling this initiative to include all captains that meet the eligibility criteria for the FY20 Major Active Competitive Category Promotion Selection Board.
Officers whose date of rank to captain is 6 October 2015 thru 8 July 2017 are eligible to request early consideration by “opting into” this board if they meet the following eligibility conditions :
- Completed the Captains’ Career Course.
- Basic branch officers must have completed their Key Developmental position per DA Pamphlet 600-3 as of 16 March 2020.
- Functional area officers must have 24 or more months in the functional area and 12 or more OER-rated months in the new functional area as of 16 March 2020.
To learn more about Opt-In read MILPER 20-050 or contact your branch manager.
Changes to promotion process provide officers more career flexibility
Opt out of Promotion
The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act granted the authority for Army officers to opt out of promotion boards. This allows qualified officers to opt out of their consideration for promotion to complete special assignments, advanced educational opportunities, or pursue required developmental milestones at their current grade level.
Authority for Army Officers to Opt-Out of Promotion Boards (STAND TO!)